Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Up Coming Posts

Stay tuned,







Friday, November 19, 2010

So...what then...?

So for five days and nights God worked through many stumbling blocks in my life and my thinking. By the weekend I was anxiety attack FREE! Praise God, MY HERO AND MY SAVIOR!

Monday, November 15, 2010

Two hours in His presence!

a note,

Some say, “It seems like only yesterday.” But for me it seems like a lifetime ago that my husband, Mark, and I located to Vancouver Island, BC.  We were young,
optimistic teachers brimming with the Canadian pioneer [go West young man] spirit.  Mark, a PHD Duke University grad [economics] and I, an art teacher, were
excited to discover this majestic island on the west coast of British Columbia. Here we purchased an acreage overlooking the Saanich Inlet, logged some giant fir
trees for the main structure and started the adventure of building our “handmade” ,owner built, home.
A few years later our family was battered with a series of tragedies. Within a three month window my newborn nephew died from birth complications, another especially
 close Nephew died accidentally at age 13, one my brothers was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis and one of my two toddlers had an unexplainable medical problem.
My world was spinning out of control and I reacted emotionally to the situation by succumbing to depression and anxiety. It was such an awful dark time that even now
 I choose not to recall it in detail.
Several months later, in desperation, I agreed to go to a friend’s church service in Victoria.’’ Louise, I was raised and confirmed Anglican and
Mark’s Lutheran. We don’t do any of that ‘rollin’ on the floor stuff.” I said, defensively. On the following icy cold Sunday in February I left Mark at home with our two little
boys and headed off to church.
After a long drive down from the mountain anxiousness turned into excited expectation but I had no idea that I was about to have the most beautiful and the most
 awesome experience of my life.
The service started with worship and then the pastor read and explained parts of the book of Acts after which he invited those who needed prayer to come to the alter.
Louise looked at me with embarrassment saying,’’ We don’t do this.’’but I didn’t care…I was up to the front before she could finish the sentence.  
After I lifted my arms to pray two elders put their hands on my shoulders and prayed with me. It was distracting at first but as I focused on praying and less on my
awkwardness what transpired was miraculous.
As if I was dying, my life passed before me and I was aware that although I believed in Jesus I had not lived that way. In  a flash I recognized others who had
seriously hurt me and then from the very core of my spirit I felt total forgiveness towards them and then complete forgiveness of myself also. Suddenly  I was moving through darkness and into
  a bright light. Upon reaching this place I was aware that there were others here also. I remember that no one seemed to notice me and the atmosphere was  very
festive with everybody excited about the person a short distance away. I couldn’t see him up close but I immediately recognized him as JESUS and the scripture
‘’ if only I touch His cloak I shall be healed’’ raced through my being. In the speed of a thought I was then covered in a love so beautiful and rich I cannot describe
it in human terms. At the same time I knew I was in the presence of a GREAT AND MIGHTY KING! And I worshipped Him with every molecule of my being after which
a beautiful language flowed from the depth of my spirit.
For two hours with arms held high I bathed in God’s glory and love!

Thursday, November 11, 2010


5 Was flung out of wheelchair TWICE! Note to self...WEAR SEAT BELT!!
6 Ate mostly at McDonalds...no surprizes...stayed at Motel 6's...no surprizes plus all handicap access.
7 Architecture in Orange Grove was amazing along with white beaches.
8 Hotel suite in LA...WOW.
9 Doctor et all...terrific.
10 Raced home dodging HUGE transport trucks on I 5.
11 Sceenery spectacular esp in Columbia River Valley.
12 Got home happy and ready to party...
Have been noticing sm changes but mostly in curculation ..

Now reality is setting in...November ...our "rainy" month...[sigh]

Monday, November 8, 2010


Eventually I will be organized...Eventually I will...be...[sigh] Eventually is now here and I'm still somewhat scattered but my other half is organized and so here I am back on my beautiful
island, ready to write and paint...
OK...on the way to LA..,.
1. Get passport AND PICK UP PATIENT LIFT! and...useful new camper potty.
2. Rent Mercedes van with wheelchair lift.
3. Hopscotch down I 5 to LA.
4. Oops...remember to check HANDICAP ACCESSIBLE hotel room.[camper potty
 comes  in handy here ;]

Sunday, November 7, 2010

And all this time i thought i was just a "dumb blonde" .

Hi from Malahat Mountain,

It’s hard to believe Mark and me, along with little Riley, have completed our ten day road trip to Southern California.
Once in LA I met with my surgeon Dr Todd Harris [ PACIFIC INTERVENTIONAL ] His kindness and optimism
About my next day’s Liberation treatment steadied any anxiousness on my behalf.
Every thing went very well with Dr Harris opening a 50% blockage in my rt jugular vein and 80% blockage of
The left jugular vein.[although less than 20% still remains in left.] my azygous vein is completely cleared also.
Now as i work to restore body,mind and spirit I am rejoicing in new awakenings! Even little things like being
Able to hold a fork steadily  is an exciting thing!
I will update with my improvements.

We are sooo thankful to God for inspiring the doctors to be compassionate and actually “ life saving” in helping
Us defeat multiple sclerosis.
Thank you all for your support!

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Back from LA

Receivd the liberation treatment in LA!

What an adventure!


Welcome to my new blog!

I am new at this so thank you for your patience...